The focus this week was to get everyone on the witness stand in an actual courtroom. The students developed qualifying questions and then went through the motions of actually qualifying in a courtroom setting. The students also discussed the basic premise that Jurors do not vote on the truth! They can only vote on their perception of the truth as they see it that day in court. It certainly is not our job as expert witnesses to convict, but it is incumbent upon us to testify in a manner which is believable and understandable, regardless of the verdict. It is up to you, as unbiased forensic expert witness, to instill within them what is termed “forensic trust”. Trust of the forensic discipline you practice and trust in you as the practitioner. The students also discussed the methodology necessary to foster that level of trust, regardless of the challenges presented by legal counsel. It was a fun, interactive and highly energetic opportunity to significantly develop and improve their testimony skillset.