Sounds impossible, right? IT IS NOT! RS&A, over the last ten years, has developed and field tested a forensic business model which has worked extremely well in aiding pattern evidence units (latent prints, firearms, footwear/tire track) to significantly reduce, and in some cases totally eliminate their backlog of casework. The concept is simple IF you have the business knowledge coupled with the forensic management experience necessary to understand the problem, design a solution and implement a plan.
Not all forensic units or laboratories have a backlog, and the key to our model is finding the best forensic scientists from these labs, coupling them with RS&A project managers, and deploying them as part of an "A-Team" for 8-10 days to where they are needed most. By acquiring the short-term services of these fully credentialed forensic scientists who currently work in ISO accredited laboratories, RS&A is able to put together rotating teams of some of the most experienced forensic experts in our industry. They are able to use their comp time, vacation time, or the dreaded new category, "furlough time", to work on these short-term projects for RS&A. They can do so without having to have their own professional liability insurance coverage, because they are completely covered under the extensive insurance package continually in force by RS&A.
Our record of success in past endeavors using this time-proven approach now enables RS&A to expand these backlog elimination services to other forensic disciplines. Drug chemistry, toxicology, serology, DNA and fire debris analysis, along with pattern evidence disciplines are a perfect fit for Ron Smith & Associates. Want to talk?