Competency is NOT a stagnant unchanging entity. All forensic specialists are expected to grow in skill level throughout their career and a "One Size Fits All" competency testing concept simply does not meet the need of today's forensic community. From screening potential trainees to ensuring that your more "senior" LPEs can still make the tough calls, and numerous career stages in between, RS&A has designed fair and thorough competency examinations to answer your questions.
Is your agency planning on hiring a trainee to fill a vacant latent print examiner position? How do you know if they have the ability or skillset to do the job? An applicant for this type of position must be able to discriminate between minute differences in forms, shapes, and details to succeed in this business. It can be extremely frustrating to hire someone for a position only to find out a year into training that they simply cannot do the job. Most agencies do not have the time nor the resources to make this kind of hiring blunder. So, why not take the guess work out of the process?
Visual acuity testing is remarkably effective for assessing these abilities and will provide critical information to assist in the hiring decision. It takes a tremendous amount of research and effort to put a test of this caliber together and the only way to validate this kind of test is by putting examiners through an actual training program. It takes time and resources, something most agencies have little of. It is for this reason that RS&A has created and validated a test to help you take the guess work out of the hiring process. A copy of the validation study is available upon request.

If you are planning on testing multiple applicants, then this option is for you. You can make a one-time purchase and have unlimited access to test as many applicants as you would like over a years’ time. All tests are web based and can be accessed online anywhere at any time.
If you are planning on testing individual applicants, then this option is for you. You can simply purchase the number of assessments that you need online. All tests are web based and can be accessed online anywhere at any time.

There is a legitimate need for latent print unit managers to have their trainees externally evaluated prior to approving them for supervised casework. This outside assistance removes any subjectivity the trainer may naturally have after working closely with a trainee for an extended period of time. In addition, this would mitigate the potential for a trainee to advance prematurely in an effort to cope with a mounting backlog. RS&A can readily and reliably provide this valuable objective assistance because, quite frankly, we “don’t have a dog in the fight” – we just want you to be assured of your trainee’s status!
The first module of this test deals with analysis, likely the most important phase of the ACE-V methodology. This module will test an examiner’s ability to evaluate sufficiency, area of origin and orientation. A second module involves manual comparisons between latent prints and multiple known prints. In this module, the trainee will compare twenty (20) individual photographs of actual size latent prints to the known finger and palm prints from five different individuals. The trainee must determine if the latent prints were, or were not, made by the individuals whose known prints are provided.
After completion of this test, managers should know exactly where their trainees stand regarding their ability to both analyze and compare latent prints. As a result, a manager can make an informed decision whether or not to release the trainee for supervised casework, which is a necessary stop along the way to being an independent examiner.
This Competency Test is offered in two media types:
1. Hard Copy - $350.00
2. Digital Images on DVD - $700.00
Why the price difference? Digital images on a DVD can reproduced and used multiple times.

This test is designed with several applications in mind. First, this test can be used to evaluate an examiner at the end of their training program prior to being approved for independent casework. Second, this Level 3 module could augment your current proficiency testing program, particularly in the event of a discrepancy between your lab’s results and those of the proficiency test provider. A third use could be to reevaluate an examiner – who has completed a special assignment (such as an overseas deployment) – prior to resuming casework. You may also opt to supplement your internal continuing education program if training funds are too scarce to justify conference attendance.
The first module of this test involves the analysis of fifteen (15) actual size latent prints. This module will test an examiner’s ability to evaluate sufficiency, area of origin and orientation. A second module involves manual comparisons between latent prints and multiple known prints. In this module, the examiner will compare twenty (20) individual photographs of actual size latent prints to the known finger and palm prints from five different individuals. The examiner must determine if the latent prints were, or were not, made by the individuals whose known prints are provided.
Regardless of how you decide to use this versatile test module, you can be sure to glean important information from the results. You will have both the confidence and peace of mind that come from knowing your examiner(s) can perform at the level you expect. Also, if the test results are not favorable, you can proceed with unbiased data to choose a proper course of action moving forward.
This Competency Test is offered in two media types:
1. Hard Copy - $350.00
2. Digital Images on DVD - $700.00
Why the price difference? Digital images on a DVD can reproduced and used multiple times.
Level 4 - Pre-IAI Certification Tests

These tests are designed to determine if an examiner is prepared to successfully pass the International Association for Identification Certified Latent Print Examiner test. Studying and completing practice comparisons are keys to passing the certification test. These pre-tests are particularly advantageous for an examiner whose primary responsibility does not involve latent print comparisons or if it has been a while since the examiner has been able to attend a comparison intensive training course, like the five day IAI Latent Print Certification Test Preparation course, available through RS&A’s training division.
These comparison tests are designed to closely mimic the variety and difficulty levels of the latent prints in the IAI certification exam. The tests include the same number of latent and known prints as the actual exam and also require the use of a fingerprint magnifier and ridge counters to better simulate the certification testing environment.
Any examiner who can successfully pass our Pre-Certification Tests has the skill sets necessary to successfully complete the genuine Certification Test.
This Competency Test is offered in two media types:
1. Hard Copy - $350.00
2. Digital Images on DVD - $700.00
Why the price difference? Digital images on a DVD can reproduced and used multiple times.
Level 5 - Supervisory Latent Print Examiner Pre-Promotion Test

This testing module is designed to help you find the right candidate to assume either a supervisory or technical lead position. There is a direct correlation between the overall quality of a latent print unit and the technical skills/abilities of their leader. Thus, it is mission-critical in today’s forensic environment that you hire the examiner who will reliably lead your unit for years to come. Anything less won’t cut it!
RS&A has developed a series of testing modules which closely mimic some scenarios that a latent print unit supervisor should not only expect to encounter, but will also have to provide the necessary guidance to resolve the situation. That is why the testing includes simulated cases, some containing technical errors, which must be technically reviewed by the applicant for approval or correction. There are also scenarios involving conflict resolution issues which contain a defensible ground truth position, as well as a comparison test which we consider more difficult than the IAI’s CLPE examination.
There is no test available anywhere that guarantees someone will make a good supervisor. However, if your applicant successfully passes our test then you will have solid objective data that the individual possesses the technical skills required to oversee latent print unit operations. After all, that is exactly what you need to know.
This Competency Test is offered in two media types:
1. Hard Copy - $350.00
2. Digital Images on DVD - $700.00
Why the price difference? Digital images on a DVD can reproduced and used multiple times.
Level 6 - Senior Latent Print Examiner Test

There are many latent print examiners out there with 25+ years of experience. Their knowledge, skills and abilities are foundational for the continuing function of their latent print units, being essential for training future generations of examiners. They offer guidance and insight that can’t be found in any textbook or training manual. However, it is well-known that one’s eyesight and visual acuity may diminish over time and this must be addressed. After all, you need to know that your most seasoned examiner can still make the proper decisions on those tough comparisons.
If your examiner does well on this testing module then you can be confident that their visual acuity is still good enough to keep them on casework, thus allowing them to continue making a positive impact in this manner. This test could also provide information indicating the examiner’s vision has deteriorated somewhat. This will allow you to consider possibly removing them from casework and revising their assignment to include training-only functions. Even though this may be a difficult decision to make, it would likely be the right choice for both the examiner and the agency, as well as the community you serve together.
This Competency Test is offered in two media types:
1. Hard Copy - $350.00
2. Digital Images on DVD - $700.00
Why the price difference? Digital images on a DVD can reproduced and used multiple times.
We can make a competency test to fit your exact need. Contact us today and see what RS&A can do for you!
RS&A Competency Testing Division at 1-866-832-6772 or